
Financial aid regulations assume that the student 和 the parents have primary responsibility for meeting the educational costs of post-secondary education. The level of contribution is based on ability – 不 willingness – to pay.


  • Dependent students report their information 和 their parent(s)’ information on the FAFSA.
  • Independent students report their own information (和 their spouse’s information if they are married) on the FAFSA.


用于联邦学生援助(FSA)目的, 父母包括亲生父母或养父母, 或者与亲生父母或养父母结婚的人.


  • 法定监护人
  • 养父母
  • 爷爷奶奶
  • 其他亲戚



如果你能回答 是的 至少 一个 关于FAFSA的抚养状况问题, 你被认为是“独立的”,这意味着FAFSA不需要提供家长信息. 我们的办公室可能会要求额外的验证或文件.

  • 到明年1月你会年满24岁吗. 在你申请经济援助的学年里?
  • 在你提交FAFSA的那天你结婚了吗?
  • 你正在攻读硕士或博士学位吗?
  • Are you currently active duty military personnel for other than training purposes?
  • 你是美国的老兵吗.S. 武装部队?
  • Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?
  • Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you 和 receive more than half of their support from you?
  • 你的父母都去世了吗? 你13岁以后是被寄养还是被法院监护?
  • Are you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
  • 你有法定监护人吗? 这不是亲生父母, 而是被法院指定为你监护人的人.
  • Did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  • Did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional 住房 program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  • Did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?

AACC提供的所有课程都被认为是本科课程. No AACC student can achieve Independent status based on the pursuit of a graduate/professional degree program (M.S., Ph.D. 等.).

FAFSA:确定你的依赖状态视频 on YouTube to learn more about 依赖状态 和 the financial aid process.


If you have unusual family circumstances that are 不 covered by the questions of the FAFSA, 你可以向我们的办公室申请独立身份. 不寻常的家庭情况包括但不限于:

  • A guardian has cared for you because your parents were unable to provide proper care, 但你的监护人从未被法院宣布为“合法监护人”.
  • Your parents were physically or emotionally abusive toward you or your siblings.
  • Your parents have substance abuse or other serious mental health problems.
  • 虐待家庭环境
  • 放弃

如果你有其他不寻常的情况,你认为可能符合条件, 请与我们的办公室联系,详细讨论您的情况.

如果你认为你可能有资格申请独立身份, 欧洲杯买球平台的办公室讨论您的情况. 如果我们认为你有资格撤销, we will email you the Dependency Appeal Form 和 ask you to it return it with documentation of your circumstances.

一旦你的上诉被审查, you will be emailed a decision by the financial aid office stating whether it was approved or denied. 如果被拒绝, you will be asked to provide information about your parent(s) on the FAFSA 和 you have the option to make other payment arrangements with the college.

Our policies 和 federal student privacy laws (FERPA) ensure that all your information will be kept strictly confidential. 我们不会联系你的父母或与他们分享任何信息. 此外,AACC还提供免费的个人服务 为AACC学生提供咨询服务.


  • 父母拒绝支付教育费用
  • 父母无法提供帮助
  • Parents unwilling to provide information on FAFSA application or for verification purposes
  • Parents do 不 claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes
  • 学生表现出完全自给自足

Federal regulations give schools the authority to allow a student to borrow a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan when the student’s parent(s) have ended all financial support or have refused to complete 和 sign a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 如果这种情况适用于您,请与我们的办公室联系.

有关信息,请访问联邦学生援助页面 依赖状态.


Students identified in these categories for financial aid will be considered Independent for financial aid purposes. The Maryl和 Higher Education Commission has programs to grant tuition waivers for 寄养无人陪伴的流浪青年. Applications for both of these waivers are available through the financial aid office.


寄养青年也有资格 教育和培训券计划(ETV)福利. ETV offers financial assistance to eligible youth to attend an accredited college, 大学, 职业或技术学院. ETV奖学金的最高金额为每学年5000美元. Awards vary 和 不 every qualified youth will receive the maximum amount. 教育电视基金可用于学费, 费用, 书籍及用品, 住房, 运输, 以及其他与教育相关的费用. Interested students must contact the ETV coordinator for their state of residence to apply for this benefit.


不要想当然地认为受抚养的学生得到的资助更少. Students can show less financial need than independent students because the FAFSA formula is 只有 considering their income 和 一个 person to support in the household.

你可以使用 联邦学生援助估计 帮助计算你的经济援助资格.

Students 和 families who experienced a significant income reduction from what was originally reported on the FAFSA should inquire about a 特殊情况上诉.


Financial aid regulations state the family has primary responsibility for meeting the educational costs of students. Dependent students are required by law to provide parental information 和 signature(s) to be considered for financial aid. 完成FAFSA和提交家长信息 家长有义务为学生的教育提供资金.

When parents refuse to provide their information on the FAFSA there is an exception that allows the student to apply for an Unsubsidized Loan 只有,由财政援助管理人员酌情决定. 然而, most students would get more financial aid if their parents complete the FAFSA or if the student is granted a dependency override.

Students need to make every attempt to complete the FAFSA with their parent(s') information. If this is challenging 和 no other unusual circumstances apply you can answer "是的回答这个问题, 学生家长是否不愿意提供他们的信息, but the student doesn’t have an unusual circumstance that prevents them from contacting the parents or obtaining their information?"

Once your FAFSA is received, our office will present more information on this process. 

You should 欧洲杯买球平台的办公室讨论您的情况 in greater detail before pursuing this option for financial aid.