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These procedures are enacted pursuant to the 可接受使用资讯科技资源政策. 它们应规范信息技术资源的所有使用,并适用于所有用户.

 1. 信息技术资源包括但不限于:

  • 所有计算机硬件、软件、外围设备和移动设备
  • 网络通信技术包括无线技术
  • 网络和互联网带宽
  • 电话及语音信箱
  • 电子邮件(Email)
  • 电子服务及资讯

2. 信息技术资源属于学院所有,是学院的财产. 所有用户必须获得学院的授权才能访问信息技术资源. 这种访问应由学院自行决定. Anything created at the direction of the college using information technology resources shall be the property of the college.

3. 信息技术资源的使用者应当:

  • 遵守所有法律(联邦法律), state, local and other applicable laws and regulations) and all college policies and procedures.
  • Respect the privacy and personal rights of others so as not to constitute an invasion of privacy, harassment, defamation, threat, intimidation, 不必要的烦恼, 尴尬, 种族歧视, color, age, religion, sex, 国家的起源, 婚姻状况, 性取向, ability, 遗传信息和退伍军人身份之类的.
  • Use information technology resources in an efficient, effective, ethical and respectful manner.
  • Respect the integrity and security of information technology resources by not attempting to circumvent the system security and/or aid others to achieve unauthorized access, 包括但不限于, 共享用户密码, 未经授权透过电邮传送资料, 拦截网络传输, 在社交媒体上不恰当地发布信息, 或者在未经批准的商业系统中存储信息.
  • Respect the finite capacity of information technology resources so as not to interfere unreasonably with the activity of other users.
  • 使用信息技术资源仅用于授权的大学相关目的.
  • 尊重和尊重他人的知识产权,无论是否受到专利保护, copyright, trademark, 商业秘密法, 其他法律机制及/或法律条文
  • 通过限制将提供的行为来保持信息的机密性, expose, 向未经授权的用户分发或发布信息.
    • 只有在学院授权的情况下才能访问机密信息. Any confidential information obtained by an authorized user shall only be used for the appropriate college purpose for which access was authorized.
    • 保密信息只能存储在学院授权的服务或设备上.
    • 如果需要传递机密信息, it shall be communicated in one of the following ways: (i) the use of shared directories and embedding a hyperlink into an Email; (ii) utilize the approved secure file transfer application; (iii) including an attachment that is either encrypted or password protected; or (iv) system-to-system encrypted transmission.
    • 没有自动转发学院电子邮件之间的/从个人或其他
  • Report any discovered weakness in the 信息技术 Resources security system 给首席技术官.
  • Report any incident of misuse of any information technology resource or violation of these procedures 给首席技术官. 报告损坏情况, 技术资源丢失或被盗, 包括可能包含学校机密信息的个人设备, 给首席技术官.
  • Only use college-owned information technology resources to connect to the internally wired college network unless customer support services reviews and approves other equipment connections in advance.

4. 学院不能保证保密, integrity or privacy of information that is transmitted or stored external to college systems. Therefore, users are prohibited from using systems that are not approved through the Information Services department.

5. 学院有权在任何时候监控其信息技术资源. Authorized Information Services personnel may inspect files and/or monitor a user's usage of resources. In response to the Higher Education Opportunity Act the college employs a commercial tool which identifies and blocks peer-to-peer applications running on the network.

6. The college email system is an official method of communication between students, faculty and staff. Each user is responsible for reading emails in a timely manner and shall be held responsible for the information contained therein, 是否读过. Each user is accountable for the contents of emails sent using their college email account.

The potential for unnecessarily consuming resources and cluttering campus inboxes requires that email users adhere to the following:

  • 群发邮件必须经过批准,并且只能由授权员工发送, 是由学习反应小组(LRT)成员指定的.
  • Use of a distribution list is highly encouraged and information transmitted should be important to all members of the distribution list.
  • 附加到电子邮件中的文件应该限制大小,通常为5MB. Sharing large data files can be accomplished by embedding a hyperlink which redirects to shared file storage or through the approved secure file transfer application.

7. The college email system shall be used in accordance with college policy and these procedures for college business only. 不当使用学校电子邮件系统包括但不限于:

  • 个人货币收益
  • 与大学业务没有直接关系的商业目的
  • 用于个人业务或捐赠的募捐
  • Information in the Global Address Listing (GAL) shall not be extracted or provided by any means for use by businesses or other organizations outside of the college
  • 构造一个电子邮件通信,使其看起来像是来自其他人(欺骗)
  • 传送违反版权法的文件
  • Transmitting embedded or attached malware (except for reporting purposes to the HelpDesk)
  • 传播不适当的内容
  • Viewing email from another user’s account (except as required for conducting college business; to diagnose and correct delivery problems; in an emergency situation; to stop spam emails; and conduct investigations)

8. 违反本程序的,按下列办法处理:

8.1 All detected or reported violations shall be investigated by the Information Services staff. They shall promptly collect all relevant documents and information relating to the alleged violation. 

An incident report shall be prepared in all cases of detected or reported procedure violations. 收集和审查所有相关信息和文件, 应当确定是否存在违法行为. If it is determined that no violation occurred it shall be so stated in the incident report and the matter shall be closed.  发现有违规行为的, it shall be so stated in the incident report and reference shall be made to the supporting information and/or documentation.  

8.对违反这些程序的制裁可包括, 但不限于, 撤销用户帐户特权, 没收档案, 数据和设备, 以及将电脑从网络中移除. 根据具体情况, 由学院自行决定, any or all of these sanctions may be imposed prior to the conclusion of the investigation.      

除了上述制裁之外, 一份事故报告发现一名教员, staff or student committed a violation of these procedures may result in a referral to the appropriate college department for further action under applicable college policies and procedures relating to the violator. 在任何违反法律的情况下, 此事可提交适当的执法机构处理.

程序名称: 信息技术资源的可接受使用程序

政策类别: 信息技术

政策的所有者: 信息和教学技术副总裁

策略管理员: 资讯保安总监

联系信息: 约翰•威廉姆斯, 410-777-1255

批准日期: July 1, 2017

有效日期: July 1, 2017

History: Adopted May 1997; Revised July 1, 2017

Applies to: 全体教职员工和学生

相关政策: 可接受使用资讯科技资源政策

相关程序: N/A

形式/指南: N/A

相关法律: N/A


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